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About THV

The Hoopers Voice is a news and media company created to display the beauty of basketball globally, focusing on British & W/NBA content. Our home base is in the United Kingdom, but we choose to focus on producing content with a global eye. 


The concept of THV is to create a brand that resonates with basketball culture and in some regard creating that culture, especially in the UK. Looking to grow and shift the culture of basketball in the country & also shift how the UK game is perceived overseas.

The Creator

Mohammed Hussein

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Mohammed, a former semi-professional basketball player, created The Hooper's Voice to give players a voice by spreading their takes and quotes across social media. With a passion for social media, the NBA & writing, it made sense for him to create THV producing content for the culture he has passion for. He also hosts The Hooper's Voice podcast and cohosts Swishful Thinking


THV grew in short time spanning to over 13,000 followers across social media, gaining the attention of many professional leagues, NBA & WNBA players/coaches and more. 

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